Meet the Family
Welcome to the Kosher Casual Family. We are a caring and professional staff that is united to create an easy and gratifying shopping experience. We are also very committed to having a warm and friendly environment both for our customers as well as our own workplace. It is always nice to see the faces behind the names. Feel free to give us a call. Feel the love!
Gary Swickley
The Boss
- Deludes self that he can still run marathons.
- Has a love/hate relationship with olives.
- Makes his own beer "Brew 42".
Quote - You miss 100% of the shots you do not take. - Wayne Gretsky
Devorah Ohayon
Web Experience and Digitial Media Manager
- Once met and spoke to Dustin Hoffman and his wife in a convenience store in London, England
- Must listen to at least one song of Freddie Mercury every day!
- Traveled to four different countries in one day!
Quote - Chocolate solves everything!
Ronnie Hakimian
Production/Logistics Coordinator
- Fav food- Wife's Lemon Meringue
- Drove with my family from England to Israel in 8 days through 7 countries.
- Big fan of George Michael music
Quote - Don't judge people by the first impressions
Gary Green
FBA Warehouse Manager
- Billy Joel stayed at my house when I was a little boy
- Fav food -Mushroom pizza and gummy worms (not together :)).
Quote - Although in life, Â it's good to be open-minded, since I've been working at Kosher Casual I've become much more "clothes-minded" - Gary Green
Esther Ivgy
All Things Amazon Manager
- No matter how long I live in Israel, I will always be a New Yorker.
- After growing up listening to my parent's recordings of Moroccan music, I married a Moroccan Israeli.
Quote - When one door closes, another one opens. Too many people keep looking back at the closed door to see the open door ahead of them.
Yehoshua Shrager
Incoming Production and Wholesale Warehouse Manager
- Comedian
- One heck of a kickball player
Quote - The following stories are true. And by 'true', I mean they are lies. But they are entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is no. - The Simpsons
Leanne Wacks
Fashion Consultant
- A fashion designer that feels blessed to be working with the best people (especially those that are from South Africa LOL!)
- One can never have enough clothes!
Quote - You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream!
Laurie Gates
Online Brand Manager and Images Coordinator
- Favorite movies: Wizard of Oz and The Hunt for Red October
- Bucket List: To visit Spain, Prague and Eilat!
Quote - Finding a career you love is like a glitter storm in your soul. The whole world can see you shine.
Ahuva Hochhauser
Warehouse Assistant
- An ice coffee a day keeps me happy!
- Living in Israel has always been my dream.
Quote - A smile always brightens the day!
Rivkah Rachael Schwartz
Store Manager and Wholesale Representative
- Reunited with my father, grandparents, aunt, uncles, the Schwartz side of my family after being seperated for 20 years that ultimately led to my making Aliyah (returning to our Homeland,Israel).
- Handled firearms and explosives for the U.S. government
- Met Gary Swickley tooling on his Jeep working as a mechanic at our local garage here in Beit Shemesh